An Italian in London: things you need when you move to the UK
So you are all set, you have made up your mind and decided to move to the UK. When I first moved to this country I wasn’t really prepared to live life in a big city: bigger than every other city I had ever lived in.
It took me a while to get used to my new way of living: staying out till late, not going home for a whole day, running and walking super quickly up and down the stairs of the tube.
But above all else, I had to get to know English laws to be able to work in this country. So if you have decided to work in England for a while, here’s a list of things you need in order to enjoy working in this country.
First of all, you’ll need a National Insurance Number. To get a National Insurance Number you must have the right to work or study in the UK.
To get your number, you will be asked to go to one of the Job Centers around the city where you will be interviewed. You’ll be asked about your circumstances, and why you need a National Insurance Number.
You will also need to bring documents to prove your identity, like a passport. You’ll need to prove that you are living in the country; so memorize your address, your postcode, get the telephone number of the place you’ll be working, and so on.
Don’t show up to the interview like I did at first: without knowing anything about where I was working, living, or even my telephone number. But I did get my National Insurance Number, eventually.
The second thing that you need is a bank account so that you can get paid for your new job. Getting a new bank account is very easy in most cases (especially if you’re from an EU country); you just have to choose the bank that works best for you.
These are just the first steps to follow when you first move to the UK. There are lots of other things you have to do, but I would say these are the most crucial formalities to sort out.
And once you have a job and a place to stay, then you can enjoy your new life!
image: comedy_nose